Saturday, November 27, 2010



Thursday, November 25, 2010


Thank you, Lord, for springs and summers, falls and winters, for sunsets, for the beauty of those falling autumn leaves, for our children, for the wisdom of their bodies, knowing how to grow up, for the fortresses of blood veins, bones and breathing, in which your soul dwells - a monstrous, beautiful DNA code, spreading like an incurable virus of existence through the desert of nothingness, of non-being.

Thank you for the infection of life, for the growing pains, for this sickness of beauty and wonder and pain, through which we walk, ceaselessly,  in bewilderment and revolt.


Hostages of Winter

Monday, November 8, 2010


1:17 И предадох сърцето си, за да позная мъдростта, И да позная лудостта и безумието. Познах, че и това е гонене на вятър.
1:18 Защото в многото мъдрост има много досада; И който увеличава знание увеличава и печал.

Еклесиаст, глава първа

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Seattle's autumn is like a long orgasm. It lasts three months and it's extremely pleasurable.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


How many disappointments.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Walked today the long corridors of the streets with their yellow, leafy ceilings, stepped into the warm rooms of this house of autumn, that we never want to leave, never, not even to see the luminous, sunbathed  castles of spring. If we can just stay here, forever, on the verge of  this last homecoming, becoming, in which the long Fall, in its beauty, finally begins to make sense.