Friday, October 29, 2010


Just learned how to insert hearts with the keyboard. There they are, all three of them, standing for the three units of the Wholly Trinity :

<3 <3 <3

If God is Love, that would be the signifier of  a love three times bigger. Could this be possible?  Love, as God, as the all encompassing signified, is the only thing besides Nothingness that can not be modified by multiplication. Love is the ultimate modifier itself.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Cold and drizzling. Where did yesterday go? Where, in the space-time continuum,  is the history of the past moments being archived? I would like to re-read the warm autumn days chapter.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Патриотизмът и вълшебната приказка: синдромът "Снежанка"

Понякога родината е мащеха. Понякога сме деца, омагьосани от ежечасните и вторачвания в огледалото, от нарцистичните и възклицания: "Не съм ли най-хубавата на света"? "Да, мамо, най-хубавата си!" - отвръщаме трансирани.

Понякога нуждата от принадлежност е по-силна от любопитството, което ни влече към реалността. С колко илюзии и утопии бихме заплатили успокояващото усещане, че не сме осиротели Снежанки?

Friday, October 15, 2010


Каква есен е в Сиатъл... Като измислена. Вчера валя, но онзи ден беше топло, седяхме на едно кафене, а върху главите ни падаха жълти листа. Като на кино.


Едно време хората се държаха за цигарения дим като за пъпна връв, сега са се вкопчили в ай-телефоните си като в майчина гръд. Дали ще паднем в космоса, ако не се държим за нещо?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Glorious Body

"In truth, the body of God was the body of man himself: man's flesh was the body God gave himself. (Man is the body, absolutely, or he's not: the body of God, or the world of bodies, but nothing else. Which is why the "man" of "humanism", dedicated to signifying, oversignifying, unsignifying his body, has slowly dissolved this body along with himself.) God had made himself body, he had been extended and molded ex limon terrae: out of the fat, smooth, deformable extension of clay, the raw matter, consisting entirely of modalizing, or modification, rather than substance. That God created limon, and that he made the body out of limon, means that God modalized or modified himself, but that his self in itself is only the extension and indefinite expansion of modes. This means that "creation" isn't the production of a world from some unknown matter or nothingness but consists in the fact that the matter (only that which there is) essentially modifies itself: it's not a substance, it's the extension and expansion of "modes" or, to put it more precisely, the exposition of what there is. Bodies are the exposition of God, and there is no other - to the extend that God exposes himself."

Jean-Luc Nancy,


Friday, October 8, 2010


Happy to be back in Seattle. 

The exile in the homeland is over.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Понякога е късно да кажеш каквото и да било.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

За произхода на света

Облакът е пара. Парата е вода. Водата е от Господ. А Господ просто е дошъл. От въздуха.

